
Showing posts from February 13, 2024

Talking Phones

  Dear Members, I wish you an early Happy Valentine's Day! I also wanted to pass along information about a phone tool and a few ideas and article links shared by members with me. I like to collect a few 'goodies' at a time before passing them along.  Talking Phone tool:  People with an ios 17 updated  iPhone can go to 'Accessibility', then 'Settings', scroll down to the "Speech" section and record their voices. Once the recording process is completed to teach the phone your voice, you can type a phrase into your phone and have your phone speak for you. This member wrote: " I am hopeful that the tool will improve. It sounds like my voice, but the pace and modulation of the speech aren't quite right yet." Recipes:  One of my members asked me about good recipes for meals that are delicious and easy to eat, but I don't think I've asked about this before. We've shared tips about  good posture,  double swallowing, chin tucking,