
 Safety first!

I belong to an ataxia support group on Facebook, where there are constant discussions on how getting a walker or wheelchair 🦼 is giving in to the disease.  I understand and vehemently disagree!

When I lived in Boulder, there was a wheelchair store right next to our favorite coffee shop.  I used to ask my husband not to park in view of that store.  I was still walking with a cane then. I’m in a wheelchair now.

What I found as I made the transition from cane to walker to wheelchair was a feeling of RELIEF.  There is a concept called conservation of energy.  I love to exercise.  I would rather do that than struggle to walk.  Plus I kept falling.  I am not afraid of tools.  They will not cause your disease to progress faster.  In fact, exercise will slow progression.


  1. Leni ❤️ she loves her G-Ma! Absolutely love safety first!


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